Po polsku:
Nowa stabilna wersja (1.64p1) NewsCoastera dla systemu MorphOS. Dostępne s± też pliki ze Ľródłami, mimo panuj±cego w nich mały bałaganu.
Ponieważ musiałem dodać kilka poprawek, to pierwsza beta wersji 1.65 programu jest dostępna. Żródła również.

In English:
There is a new stable version (1.64p1) of NewsCoaster for MorphOS. Source codes.
Because it was nececery to fixed some bugs, You can get new beta version with source code.
Sorry, but code is still dirty

History of Kaczus versions
New for version 1.65 Beta 1.1
Improve reindexing after delete post.
Now change "_" to space in qprint encoded titles (RFC 2047).
New for version 1.65 Beta 1
Displaying titles of messages (You need reindex).
Sometimes after successful posted messages were still remain in the ".outgoing".
New decoder functions (qprint, base64 and parsing titles of messages).
Part of sources now on dual GPL and BSD license.
New for version 1.64p1
sometimes was displaying randomly extra text below the messages
New for version 1.64
some changes in memory menagement
New for version 1.64 BETA 3
Now conversions by iconv.library (if there is wrong code in your lists, do reindexing)
improvments in selecting post by pattern
some changes in memory menagement
removed some parts of instalator
New for version 1.64 BETA 2
Now works SORT functions again
improvments in selecting post by pattern
some changes in memory menagement
New for version 1.64 BETA 1
add selecting posts by pattern
bug in selection
now search works!
some minor bugs
New for version 1.63
change vector contener to stl list
change memory management
change Nlist and NListtree to MUI List and Listtree
some mionor bugs
New for version 1.63 Beta
a special version with some hacks

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